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File #: 25-0082    Version: 1
Type: Agenda Item Status: To Be Introduced
File created: 1/17/2025 In control: Public Health & Welfare Committee
On agenda: 2/6/2025 Final action:
Title: Authority to amend the Intergovernmental Agreement with the Cook County Sheriff’s Office to continue supporting its Prescription Drug Take-Back Program by extending the IGA for one year and to make payment to the CCSO in an amount not to exceed $80,000.00, Account 101-15000-612490
Attachments: 1. IGA 2018 CCSO-MWRD Executed.pdf
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Mr. Brian A. Perkovich, Executive Director



Authority to amend the Intergovernmental Agreement with the Cook County Sheriff’s Office to continue supporting its Prescription Drug Take-Back Program by extending the IGA for one year and to make payment to the CCSO in an amount not to exceed $80,000.00, Account 101-15000-612490



Dear Sir:


On December 7, 2017, the Board of Commissioners (“Board”) authorized an Intergovernmental Agreement (“IGA”) with the Cook County Sheriff’s Office (“CCSO”) to support CCSO’s ongoing collection and disposal activities and to expand its network of local law enforcement agencies participating in the Prescription Drug Take-Back Program (“Program”) within the District’s boundaries. The Board authorized six one-year extensions of the IGA between 2018 and 2024. In addition to extending the IGA for a third year, the 2020 IGA amendment also reduced the District’s total funding contribution from $100,000 to $80,000.


To continue building on these joint efforts, CCSO has requested to extend the IGA until December 31, 2025, on the same terms and conditions, including the reduced District funding contribution established under the 2020 IGA amendment. The parties will continue working together to identify new collection sites, to improve outreach, education, and promotion of the Program, and to hold take-back events in the community. CCSO will continue providing the collection and disposal services to all sites in the Program network in accordance with its Procedure for Collection and Destruction of Prescription Drugs.


The same District funding ratio set by the 2020 IGA amendment will continue to apply. Of the District’s total funding contribution of $80,000.00, up to $76,406.62 will be for personnel and administrative costs associated with operating the Program, and up to $3,593.38 will be for reimbursement of the purchase and installation of new drug collection receptacles. To receive reimbursement from the District, CCSO is required to submit monthly reports that include the collection and destruction certificates, the weight of prescription drugs collected and destroyed, and a list of newly installed receptacles. CCSO must abide by all applicable state and federal laws in carrying out its collection and disposal activities. CCSO’s 2024 Annual Report will be provided to the Board as soon as it is received by the District.


Based on the foregoing, it is requested that the Board of Commissioners grant authority to amend the IGA with CCSO extending the IGA until December 31, 2025.


It is further requested that the Chairman of the Committee on Finance, the Executive Director, and the Clerk be authorized to execute said amendment on behalf of the District, as well as any documents necessary to effectuate the transaction, upon approval by the General Counsel as to form and legality.


Funds are available in Account 101-15000-612490.


Requested, Shellie Riedle, Administrative Services Officer

Disposition of this agenda item will be documented in the official Regular Board Meeting Minutes of the Board of Commissioners for February 6, 2025

