Authority to award Contract 25-028-11, Furnish and Deliver Paper Filters,
Crucibles, and Petri Dishes to Various Locations for a One (1) Year Period,
Groups A, C and D to Fisher Scientific Company, LLC, in an amount not to
exceed $188,304.04, and Group B to Taylor Distribution Group LLC, in an
amount not to exceed $15,801.49, Account 101-20000-623570
Deferred by Marcelino Garcia
Authority to award Contract 20-087-3P, Chemical Phosphorus Removal,
OWRP, to IHC Construction Companies, LLC, in an amount not to exceed
$14,226,000.00, plus a five (5) percent allowance for change orders in an
amount of $711,300.00, for a total amount not to exceed $14,937,300.00,
Account 401-50000-645650, Requisition 1627083
Deferred by Kari K. Steele
Increase Purchase Order/Change Order
Authority to increase purchase order and amend agreement with Unum Life
Insurance Company of America, a wholly owned subsidiary of Unum Group to
provide group term life insurance for employees in an amount of $40,500.00,
from an amount of $357,267.83, to an amount not to exceed $397,767.83,
Account 101-25000-601250, 501-50000-601250, Purchase Orders 3120773
and 3120774 (As Revised)
Authority to increase Contract 24-030-11, Furnish and Deliver Lubricants to
various locations for a one-year period, Items 7, 12, 16, 19, and 23 awarded to
Petroleum Service Company, from an amount of $66,464.99, to an amount not
to exceed $141,464.99, Account 101-20000-623860, Agreement 7002216
Authority to increase purchase order and amend the agreement with The
Northern Trust Corporation formally known as The Northern Trust Company, for
Contract 17-RFP-10 Commercial Banking and Investment Custody Services, in
an amount of $7,500.00, from an amount of $245,444.44 to an amount not to
exceed $252,944.44, Account 101-11000-612430, Purchase Order 3104902