Request for Order approving and adopting the Hearing Officer’s Report
consisting of a Memorandum and Order in the administrative appeal of
Nutripack, LLC v. Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago,
Appeal No. 23B-008
Pension, Human Resources & Civil Service Committee
2024 Annual Report of the Civil Service Board
Published and Filed
Approval of the Consent Agenda with the exception of Items: 10, 15, 24, 31, and 32
A motion was made by Marcelino Garcia, seconded by Precious Brady-Davis, to
Approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
9 -
Precious Brady-Davis, Yumeka Brown, Cameron Davis, Patricia Theresa Flynn,
Marcelino Garcia, Beth McElroy Kirkwood, Eira L. Corral Sepúlveda, Sharon Waller,
Kari K. Steele
MOTION to appoint Yumeka Brown as trustee of the Metropolitan Water
Reclamation District’s Retirement Fund
A motion was made by Patricia Theresa Flynn, seconded by Precious
Brady-Davis, that this Motion be Adopted. The motion carried by the following
roll call vote:
9 -
Precious Brady-Davis, Yumeka Brown, Cameron Davis, Patricia Theresa Flynn,
Marcelino Garcia, Beth McElroy Kirkwood, Eira L. Corral Sepúlveda, Sharon Waller,
Kari K. Steele
MOTION to accept the Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson Assignments for the
2025-2026 Standing Committees
A motion was made by Marcelino Garcia, seconded by Yumeka Brown, that this
Motion be Adopted. The motion carried by the following roll call vote:
9 -
Precious Brady-Davis, Yumeka Brown, Cameron Davis, Patricia Theresa Flynn,
Marcelino Garcia, Beth McElroy Kirkwood, Eira L. Corral Sepúlveda, Sharon Waller,
Kari K. Steele
Miscellaneous and New Business
Meeting Summary