Mr. John P. Murray, Acting Executive Director
Authority to advertise Contract 19-100-11 Perform Gas Analysis of Odorous Compounds in Gas Samples, estimated cost $33,440.00, Account 201-50000-612440, Requisition 1498108
Dear Sir:
Contract documents and specifications have been prepared to advertise for bid Contract 19-100-11 to perform gas analysis of odorous compounds in gas samples. The term of this contract is for approximately two years, beginning on approximately January 10, 2019, and ending December 31, 2020.
The purpose of this contract is to perform gas analysis at various locations on an as-needed basis pursuant to the specifications within the contract. Analysis for odor causing compounds including, but not limited to, volatile organic compounds, sulfur-based compounds, amines, ammonia, and carboxylic acids are to be provided via a nationally accredited laboratory. These tests are necessary to accurately provide data to assist in evaluating odor control strategies.
The estimated cost for this contract is $33,440.00. The estimated 2019 and 2020 expenditures are $16,720.00, respectively.
A bid deposit is not required for this contract.
The Multi-Project Labor Agreement (MPLA) is not applicable to this contract because the classification of work does not fall within the provisions of the MPLA.
The Affirmative Action Ordinance, Revised Appendix D is not included in this contract because the estimate is less than the minimum threshold established by Section 4 of the Affirmative Action Ordinance.
The tentative schedule for this contract is as follows:
Advertise December 5, 2018
Bid Opening December 18, 2018
Award January 10, 2019
Completion December 31, 2020
Funds for 2019 are being requested in Account 201-50000-612440 and are contingent on the Board of Commissioners’ approval of the District’s budget for that year. Funds for 2020 are contingent on the Board of Commissioners’ approval of the District’s budget for that year.
In view of the foregoing, it is recommended that the Director of Procurement and Materials Management be authorized to advertise Contract 19-100-11.
Requested, Edward W. Podczerwinski, Director of Monitoring and Research, EWP:KB:HZ:JSG:kq
Recommended, Darlene A. LoCascio, Director of Procurement and Materials Management
Respectfully Submitted, Barbara J. McGowan, Chairman Committee on Procurement
Disposition of this agenda item will be documented in the official Regular Board Meeting Minutes of the Board of Commissioners for November 15, 2018