Mr. Brian A. Perkovich, Executive Director
Issue purchase order to Canon Solutions America, Inc., for eCopy Sharescan Software Maintenance Renewal and New Licenses, in an Amount Not to Exceed $32,974.52, Accounts 101-27000-612820, 623800, Requisition 1615061
Dear Sir:
Authorization is requested to issue a purchase order to Canon Solutions America, Inc., for eCopy Sharescan software maintenance renewal and new licenses under the OMNIA Partners Cooperative Purchasing Contract 2020002755. The term of coverage for the eCopy Sharescan license renewal is April 5, 2024, through April 6, 2025.
OMNIA Partners Government Purchasing Alliance has a competitively bid contract for the above captioned subject with Canon Solutions America, Inc. The District is registered with and uses the OMNIA Partners Program. The agreement between OMNIA Partners and Canon Solutions America, Inc expires December 15, 2025. The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago has the ability to participate under State Statute (5 ILCS 220), the Intergovernmental Cooperation Act.
The eCopy Sharescan software is used by the District’s fleet of multifunctional devices (MFDs). Renewal of eCopy software maintenance is required to ensure continuous operation of the MFDs. Additional licenses are required to support new MFDs that have been added to the fleet.
Canon Solutions America, Inc, has submitted prices for eCopy Sharescan software maintenance renewal and new licenses per the established contract discount percentages. Inasmuch as Canon Solutions America, Inc, is the only source of supply for the goods required under OMNIA Partners Cooperative Purchasing Contract #2020002755, said purchase order may be issued without competitive bidding pursuant to Section 11.4 of the Purchasing Act.
Canon Solutions America, Inc., is registered and in good standing with the State of Illinois.
The Multi-Project Labor Agreement (MPLA) is not applicable to this contract because the classification of work does not fall within the provisions of the MPLA.
The Affirmative Action Appendix A and Appendix V are not included in this contract because the estimate is less than the minimum threshold established by Section 4 of the Affirmative Action Ordinance.
In view of the foregoing, it is requested that the Director of Procurement and Materials Management be authorized to issue said purchase order to Canon Solutions America, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $32,974.52.
Funds are available in Accounts 101-27000-612820, 623800.
Requested, Sean T. Kelly, Director of Information Technology, STK:BVS:tw
Recommended, Darlene A. LoCascio, Director of Procurement and Materials Management
Respectfully Submitted, Marcelino Garcia, Chairman Committee on Procurement
Disposition of this agenda item will be documented in the official Regular Board Meeting Minutes of the Board of Commissioners for June 6, 2024