COMMITTEE ON Procurement
Mr. David St. Pierre, Executive Director
Authorization to amend Board Order of December 1, 2016, regarding Report on Advertisement of Request for Proposal 17-RFP-04 Professional Services to Assist with the Development of Odor Control Strategies at the John E. Egan and Terrence J. O’Brien Water Reclamation Plants, estimated cost $250,000.00, Account 201-50000-612430, Requisition 1440275 (As Revised), Agenda Item No. 2, File No. 16-1240
Dear Sir:
At the Board meeting of December 1, 2016, the Board of Commissioners duly ordered the above-stated action, Agenda Item No. 2, File No. 16-1240.
A textual error in the title/transmittal letter and resulting order indicated, “… as well as to provide technical support to the development and implementation of the odor control strategy on an as-needed basis for any additional immediate needs.” Same should have read, “… as well as to provide technical support to the development and implementation of the odor control strategy at various locations on an as-needed basis for any additional immediate needs.”
The tentative schedule for this contract has also been updated to the dates shown below.
Advertise January 11, 2017
Proposal Received February 10, 2017
Award April 6, 2017
Completion December 31, 2018
All other information provided in the transmittal letter is correct.
Therefore, it is requested that the aforesaid Board Order of December 1, 2016, be amended to effect the changes set forth above, otherwise to remain in force and effect as heretofore enacted.
Requested, Thomas C. Granato, Director of Monitoring and Research, TCG:EWP:MPC:HZ:JSG:BB
Recommended, Darlene A. LoCascio, Director of Procurement and Materials Management
Respectfully Submitted, Barbara J. McGowan, Chairman Committee on Procurement
Disposition of this agenda item will be documented in the official Regular Board Meeting Minutes of the Board of Commissioners for January 5, 2017