Mr. David St. Pierre, Executive Director
Issue purchase order and enter into an agreement for Contract 16-RFP-09, Design, Build, Operate and Maintain a Native Plant and Tree Nursery at the Hanover Park Water Reclamation Plant, Fischer Farm, with Industria, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $3,675,775.00, Accounts 401-50000-645680 and 101-67000-612530, Requisition 1449777
Dear Sir:
Authorization is requested to issue a purchase order and enter into an agreement with Industria, Inc., for Contract 16-RFP-09, Design, Build, Operate and Maintain a Native Plant and Tree Nursery at the Hanover Park Water Reclamation Plant, Fischer Farm.
The nursery will demonstrate the viability of using biosolids to the nursery industry and the community at large, as well as the District's commitment to sustainable practices. Once established, the nursery will provide programs designed to involve and educate the community in biosolids management and serve as an ongoing example that biosolids are a resource rather than a waste product.
Request for Proposal 16-RFP-09 was advertised on May 4, 2016, and 623 firms were notified. Proposal documents were requested by 24 firms resulting in a total of 1 firm submitting a proposal dated May 30, 2016. No bid deposit was required for this request for proposal.
An evaluation committee, consisting of personnel from the Maintenance and Operations Department, the Department of Procurement and Materials Management and the Diversity Section, evaluated the proposal based on an understanding of the project, the proposed methods of performing the work, the professional and financial fitness of the firm and the proposed personnel. The committee reached a consensus that the sole proposer is qualified to perform the work.
The firm was interviewed by the committee and subsequently requested to submit updated drawings and quantity sheets before requesting their Best and Final Offer on November 28, 2016. The Best and Final Offer was received on December 9, 2016, and was subsequently evaluated by the committee, resulting in an overall recommendation in favor of Industria, Inc.
The Affirmative Action Ordinance, Revised Appendix D and Appendix A was included in this request for proposal. Industria, Inc., is in compliance with the Affirmative Action Ordinance, Revised Appendix D as indicated in the attached report. The Minority-owned Business Enterprises (MBE), Women-owned Business Enterprises (WBE) and Small Business Enterprises (SBE) utilization goals for this contract are 20 percent MBE; 10% WBE, and 10 percent SBE.
Industria, Inc., is also in compliance with the Appendix A as indicated in the attached report.
Industria, Inc. will execute the Multi-Project Labor Agreement, which will be included in the Contract. It is anticipated that various types of trades will be utilized under this Contract. The utilization of any construction trades is not intended to confer any rights upon any union or unions.
Industria, Inc. is registered and in good standing with the State of Illinois.
Inasmuch as the firm of Industria, Inc., possesses a high degree of professional skill, it is recommended that the Director of Procurement and Materials Management be authorized to issue a purchase order and enter into an agreement per Section 11.4 of the Purchasing Act, in an amount not to exceed $3,675,775.00.
The original Report on Advertisement of April 7, 2016, as revised April 21, 2016, indicated that funding for the entire project would be from the Construction Fund. It has been subsequently determined that a more appropriate funding allocation has the Design and Build Fee allocated to the Capital Improvements Bond Fund and the Facility Operations Fee allocated to the Corporate Fund.
Funds for the 2017 expenditure, in the amount of $3,092,775.00, are available in Accounts 401-50000-645680 and 101-67000-612530. The estimated expenditure for 2018 is $323,000.00, and 2019 is $260,000.00. Funds for the 2018 and 2019 expenditures are contingent on the Board of Commissioners’ approval of the District’s budget for those years.
Requested, John P. Murray, Director of Maintenance and Operations, BAP:SO’C:MAG:JR:JK
Recommended, Darlene A. LoCascio, Director of Procurement and Materials Management
Respectfully Submitted, Barbara J. McGowan, Chairman Committee on Procurement
Disposition of this agenda item will be documented in the official Regular Board Meeting Minutes of the Board of Commissioners for January 5, 2017