Mr. Brian A. Perkovich, Executive Director
Authority to increase purchase order and amend the agreement with Workforce Software, LLC to provide Continuous Care Services Hours Package for the Time Management System, in an amount of $22,900.00, from an amount of $23,500.00, to an amount not to exceed $46,400.00, Account 101-40000-612430, Purchase Order 3126593
Dear Sir:
On October 5, 2023, the Board of Commissioners authorized the Director of Procurement and Materials Management to issue purchase order and enter into an agreement with Workforce Software, LLC to provide Continuous Care Services Hours Package for the Time Management System, in an amount not to exceed $23,500.00. The contract will expire on November 1, 2025.
This contract has no prior change orders.
Original Contract Amount $23,500.00
Date of Board Approval 10/5/2023
Cumulative Change Order (5/22/2024) $0.00
% Change of Original Contract Value 0.00%
Current Contract Value $23,500.00
Requested Increase $22,900.00
New Contract Value $46,400.00
% Change of Current Contract Value 97.4%
Total % Change of Original Contract Value 97.4%
The reason for the change order is to increase the number of continuous care service hours from 50 to 100 for each of the two-years sufficient to cover the implementation of the new Paid Leave Act for temporary employees.
This change order is in compliance with the Illinois Criminal Code since the change is due to circumstances not reasonably foreseeable at the time the contract was signed and is in the best interest of the District.
It is hereby recommended that the Board of Commissioners authorize the Director of Procurement and Materials Management to execute a change order to increase the purchase order in an amount of $22,900.00 (97.45% of the current contract value), from an amount of $23,500.00, to an amount not to exceed $46,400.00.
Funds are available in Account 101-40000-612430.
Requested, Jacqueline Torres, Clerk/Director of Finance JT:kj
Recommended, Darlene A. LoCascio, Director of Procurement and Materials Management
Respectfully Submitted, Marcelino Garcia, Chairman Committee on Procurement
Disposition of this agenda item will be documented in the official Regular Board Meeting Minutes of the Board of Commissioners for June 6, 2024