Mr. David St. Pierre, Executive Director
Authority to make payment of $6,033,000.00 to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the non-federal sponsor’s share of the costs associated with the Chicagoland Underflow Plan McCook Reservoir, Project 73-161-2H, Account 401-50000-645630
Dear Sir:
The Project Cooperation Agreement (PCA) between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) and the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (District), acting as the non-federal sponsor, for the Chicagoland Underflow Plan (CUP) McCook Reservoir Project was signed on May 10, 1999.
The Corps is anticipating receiving federal funding in the amount of $18,100,000.00 in fiscal year 2017 for the McCook Reservoir Project, once the current continuing resolution expires and the new fiscal year 2017 budget is put in place, most likely in April. In accordance with Article VI of the PCA, the District will be required to provide matching funds that equate to 25 percent of the non-federal sponsor’s share of the fiscal year 2017 budget once it is determined. Therefore, to keep current projects on schedule, up to $6,033,000.00 may be requested from the Corps. The money will be used to help pay for the Main Tunnel, High-Wall Stabilization, and Final Reservoir Preparations projects and continued engineering work.
It is requested that the Executive Director recommend to the Board of Commissioners that it authorize and approve a payment of up to $6,033,000.00 to the Corps in 2017, upon receiving the written request when the Corps budget is finalized.
It is further requested that the Executive Director recommend to the Board of Commissioners that the Chairman of the Committee on Finance, the Clerk, and the Treasurer be authorized and directed to make a payment to “FAO, USAED, Chicago” in the amount of up to $6,033,000.00 as the non-federal share, via electronic funds transfer.
Funds are available in Account 401-50000-645630.
Requested, Catherine A. O’Connor, Director of Engineering, WSS:KMF
Recommended, David St. Pierre, Executive Director
Respectfully Submitted, Frank Avila, Chairman Committee on Engineering
Disposition of this agenda item will be documented in the official Regular Board Meeting Minutes of the Board of Commissioners for January 5, 2017