Mr. John P. Murray, Acting Executive Director
Authority to issue a two (2) year permit extension to the Village of Crestwood to continue to access approximately 41.22 acres of District real estate located south of the Cal-Sag Channel between Cicero and Kostner Avenues in Crestwood, Illinois, known as Cal-Sag Channel Parcel 12.05 to remove excess soil, rock, spoil and overburden and to bring the premises to grade level. Consideration shall be a nominal fee of $10.00 (As Revised)
Dear Sir:
On November 6, 2014, the Board of Commissioners authorized the issuance of a two (2) year permit to the Village of Crestwood ("Crestwood") on approximately 41.22 acres of District real estate located between Cicero and Kostner Avenues in Crestwood, Illinois and known as Cal-Sag Channel Parcel 12.05 to remove excess soil, rock, spoil and overburden and to bring the premises to grade level. The permit, issued for a $10.00 nominal fee, commenced January 1, 2015, and, as extended, expires December 31, 2018. Crestwood is undertaking this project so that the parcel can ultimately be made available for leasing pursuant to the statutory bidding process. The materials were placed on site during the widening of the Cal-Sag Channel. To date, Crestwood has removed approximately 550,000 cubic yards of the approximately 700,000 cubic yards of excess soil, rock, spoil and overburden that existed on the parcel at the time the permit commenced.
Crestwood has requested a two (2) year extension to the permit to complete its removal operations. The District’s technical departments have reviewed Crestwood’s request and have no objections thereto. A nominal fee of $10.00 is recommended as is customary for governmental entities using District property for a public purpose.
It is requested that the Acting Executive Director recommend to the Board of Commissioners that it authorize and approve the issuance of a two (2) year permit extension to the Village of Crestwood to continue to access approximately 41.22 acres of District real estate located south of the Cal-Sag Channel between Cicero and Kostner Avenues in Crestwood, Illinois, known as Cal-Sag Channel Parcel 12.05 to remove excess soil, rock, spoil and overburden and to bring the premises to grade level. Consideration shall be a nominal fee of $10.00.
It is also requested that the Acting Executive Director recommend to the Board of Commissioners that it authorize and direct the Chairman of the Committee on Finance and the Clerk to execute the permit extension agreement on behalf of the District after it is approved by the General Counsel as to form and legality.
Requested, Susan T. Morakalis, General Counsel, STM:CMM:nhb
Recommended, John P. Murray, Acting Executive Director
Respectfully Submitted, David J. Walsh, Chairman Committee on Real Estate Development
Disposition of this agenda item will be documented in the official Regular Board Meeting Minutes of the Board of Commissioners for November 1, 2018