Mr. John P. Murray, Acting Executive Director
Issue purchase order to CDW Government, LLC and enter into an agreement with Microsoft Corporation for Microsoft Software and Software Maintenance, in an amount not to exceed $1,634,914.70, Account 101-27000-612820, Requisition 1498392
Dear Sir:
Authorization is requested to issue a purchase order to CDW Government, LLC and enter into an agreement with Microsoft, to furnish and deliver Microsoft software and software maintenance for a three-year period in accordance with the State of Illinois Master Contract for Purchase of Microsoft Products (LAR) [Large Account Reseller] (CMS6945110). The District has the ability to participate in State of Illinois (State) Contracts #4010653 under the Government Joint Purchasing Act, 30 ILCS 525/0.01 et.seq. CDW Government, LLC’s current contract with the State expires November 30, 2019. All software will be delivered by November 30, 2018.
The District is requesting to enter into an agreement with Microsoft Corporation in order to continue critical access to District computing resources. These include services such as e-mail, computer login capability, and access to shared files and folders. The District has over 2000 Microsoft Windows Computing devices and associated software. An agreement is required for the continued working operations, and ongoing maintenance of these services.
CDW Government, LLC, the sole source of supply under the State of Illinois Master Contract for the Purchase of Microsoft Products (LAR) (Large Account Resellers) (CMS6945110), has submitted prices for Microsoft software and software maintenance required. Inasmuch as CDW Government, LLC, is the only source of supply under the State of Illinois Master Contract for the Purchase of Microsoft Products (LAR) (Large Account Resellers) (CMS6945110) for Microsoft software and software maintenance, said purchase order may be issued without competitive bidding pursuant to Section 11.4 of the Purchasing Act.
CDW Government, LLC is registered and in good standing with the State of Illinois.
The Multi-Project Labor Agreement is not applicable due to the specialized nature of the services required.
In view of the foregoing, it is recommended that the Director of Procurement and Materials Management be authorized to issue a purchase order to CDW Government, LLC in an amount not to exceed $1,634,914.70
Funds for the 2018 expenditure, in the amount of $817,457.35 are available in Account 101-27000-612820. The estimated expenditure for 2019 is $817,457.35. Funds for the 2019 expenditure are contingent on the Board of Commissioners’ approval of the District’s budget for those years.
Requested, John Sudduth, Director of Information Technology, JS:SK
Recommended, Darlene A. LoCascio, Director of Procurement and Materials Management
Respectfully Submitted, Barbara J. McGowan, Chairman Committee on Procurement
Disposition of this agenda item will be documented in the official Regular Board Meeting Minutes of the Board of Commissioners for November 15, 2018