Mr. John P. Murray, Acting Executive Director
Authority to amend permit agreement issued to Ford Motor Company for use of District land c/k/a “Stony Island Drying Beds” in Chicago, Illinois for storing newly manufactured vehicles to allow an additional use of performing routine repairs to motor vehicles stored on-site. Consideration shall be a $5,000.00 document preparation fee
Dear Sir:
On November 4, 2010, the Board of Commissioners issued a permit to Ford Motor Company (“Ford”) for use of District land c/k/a “Stony Island Drying Beds” for the temporary storage of new vehicles manufactured at the Ford Assembly Plant located at 12600 S. Torrence Avenue in Chicago, Illinois. The District’s Stony Island Drying Beds are located west of Torrence Avenue in Chicago, Illinois. Historically, the site has been used by the District for activities related to processing bio-solids, including drying, topsoil blending and “cake” storage, but is not presently needed for such purposes. For operational and identification purposes, the site is divided into seven cells and comprises approximately 84.5 acres. Under the permit, Ford uses cells 1 and 2 (north and south) and cell 3 north, comprising of a total of 32 acres, and pays a current monthly permit fee of $70,400.00. The permit allows Ford to use all additional cells, comprising a total of 52.5 acres, for an additional monthly fee of $2,200 per acre. The permit, as extended, expires May 3, 2020. Due to the possibility that this site may be required for the District's corporate purposes, such as its solids operations, the District cannot presently commit to allowing a long-term lease of this site.
Ford has requested to amend its permit to allow the additional use of performing routine repairs to motor vehicles stored on-site. The repairs will be performed inside a tent that Ford is installing on its permit premises. The District's technical departments have reviewed this request and have no objections thereto.
It is requested that the Acting Executive Director recommend to the Board of Commissioners that it authorize an amendment to the permit agreement issued to Ford Motor Company for use of District land c/k/a “Stony Island Drying Beds” in Chicago, Illinois for storing newly manufactured vehicles to allow an additional use of performing routine repairs to motor vehicles stored on-site. Consideration shall be a $5,000.00 document preparation fee.
It is also requested that the Acting Executive Director recommend to the Board of Commissioners that the Chairman of the Committee on Finance and the Clerk be authorized to execute said permit agreement amendment on behalf of the District after it is approved by the General Counsel as to form and legality.
Requested, Susan T. Morakalis, General Counsel, STM:CMM:nhb
Recommended, John P. Murray, Acting Executive Director
Respectfully Submitted, David J. Walsh, Chairman Committee on Real Estate Development
Disposition of this agenda item will be documented in the official Regular Board Meeting Minutes of the Board of Commissioners for November 15, 2018