Mr. John P. Murray, Acting Executive Director
Authority to negotiate intergovernmental agreements to assist various local municipalities and other governmental organizations with Green Infrastructure projects
Dear Sir:
On June 8, 2018, the District solicited Green Infrastructure project proposals from municipalities, townships, and other governmental agencies for District assistance. The applications were sent to the chief elected official in each jurisdiction as well as agency and other governmental organization officials, and posted on the District’s website. The Engineering Department received 48 applications for Green Infrastructure (GI) projects between June 8 and July 31, 2018.
Staff has reviewed all the GI project submittals, evaluated the proposals, and ranked the eligible projects based on factors such as the total retention gallons and cost per gallon, number of benefiting structures and cost per structure, project visibility and outreach, flooding prevalence, maintenance capability, separate or combined sewer area, and median income of the community. Based on this evaluation, a selection of 19 projects is hereby recommended for funding and/or other assistance to be provided to the local communities and governmental organizations for implementation of these green infrastructure projects. Attached are a table describing the recommended projects and an exhibit depicting their locations. Applicants whose projects were not selected will be notified that their proposals may be eligible for future consideration under the District’s GI and/or Phase II local stormwater programs as applicable.
It is hereby requested that the Board of Commissioners authorize the District to negotiate Intergovernmental Agreements (IGAs) with the entities identified on the attached list to allow for the District to assist in the furtherance of these projects. The terms and conditions of the IGAs, including funding assistance to be provided by the District as well as requirements of the local partner agencies, will be defined through negotiations between the District and the involved entities. Once the parties agree in principle, authority to enter into the individual IGAs will be sought from the District’s Board of Commissioners. In addition to the many benefits these projects will provide in their local communities, the District will apply the volume of design retention capacity achieved towards our Consent Decree requirement for GI to the United States Environmental Protection Agency.
Requested, Catherine A. O’Connor, Director of Engineering, WSS:JK:JJY
Recommended, John P. Murray, Acting Executive Director
Respectfully Submitted, Debra Shore, Chairman Committee on Stormwater Management
Disposition of this agenda item will be documented in the official Regular Board Meeting Minutes of the Board of Commissioners for November 15, 2018