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File #: 23-0227    Version: 1
Type: Agenda Item Status: Adopted
File created: 2/22/2023 In control: Real Estate Development Committee
On agenda: 3/2/2023 Final action: 3/2/2023
Title: Authority to grant a 25-year, non-exclusive easement to the United States of America, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration for ingress and egress through District Cal-Sag Channel Parcels 12.02 and 12.09 located south of the Cal-Sag Channel at Kostner Avenue in Crestwood, Illinois.  Consideration shall be a nominal fee of $10.00
Attachments: 1. RE - FAA Easement E-280 Aerial (revised)





Mr. Brian A. Perkovich, Executive Director



Authority to grant a 25-year, non-exclusive easement to the United States of America, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration for ingress and egress through District Cal-Sag Channel Parcels 12.02 and 12.09 located south of the Cal-Sag Channel at Kostner Avenue in Crestwood, Illinois.  Consideration shall be a nominal fee of $10.00



Dear Sir:


On November 4, 1999, the District's Board of Commissioners authorized the grant of a 25-year, non-exclusive easement to the United States of America, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration ("FAA") for ingress and egress through District Cal-Sag Channel Parcels 12.02 and 12.09 located south of the Cal-Sag Channel at Kostner Avenue in Crestwood, Illinois. The FAA uses the access road that runs through these parcels to reach its Terminal Doppler Weather Radar located on adjacent non-District property. Parcels 12.02 and 12.09 are otherwise vacant. The FAA’s current easement expires October 31, 2024.


The FAA has requested a new 25-year, non-exclusive easement for the continued use of the access road. The District’s technical departments have reviewed the request and have no objections thereto. 


A nominal fee of $10.00 is recommended as the FAA is a governmental entity utilizing the District’s property in furtherance of a public purpose. 


It is requested that the Executive Director recommend to the Board of Commissioners that it authorize the grant of a 25-year, non-exclusive easement to the United States of America, Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration for ingress and egress through District Cal-Sag Channel Parcels 12.02 and 12.09 located south of the Cal-Sag Channel at Kostner Avenue in Crestwood, Illinois.  Consideration shall be a nominal fee of $10.00.


It is also requested that the Executive Director recommend to the Board of Commissioners that it authorize and direct the Chairman of the Committee on Finance and the Clerk to execute said easement agreement after it is approved by the General Counsel as to form and legality.


Requested, Susan T. Morakalis, General Counsel, STM:MTC:NOC:nl

Recommended, Brian A. Perkovich, Executive Director

Disposition of this agenda item will be documented in the official Regular Board Meeting Minutes of the Board of Commissioners for March 2, 2023

