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Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: Board of Commissioners Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/6/2025 10:30 AM Minutes status: Draft  
Meeting location: Board Room
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Accessible Agenda Accessible Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Agenda packet: Not available
Meeting video: eComment: Not available  
Attachments: 02-06-2025 Final Agenda Packet.pdf
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-0102 11MotionMOTION to appoint Hearing Officers for 2025-26   Not available Not available
O25-002 12OrdinanceOrdinance O25-002 An Ordinance directing the County Clerk to reduce the levy of taxes on Capital Improvement Bonds for the levy year 2024   Not available Not available
25-0103 13ResolutionRESOLUTION sponsored by the Board of Commissioners recognizing February as Black History Month    Not available Not available
25-0104 14ResolutionRESOLUTION sponsored by the Board of Commissioners recognizing February as American Heart Month   Not available Not available
25-0099 15ReportReport on rejection of bids for Contract 25-100-12 (Re-Bid), Preventative Maintenance for Steam Sterilizers, Labor, and Parts, estimated cost $54,000.00   Not available Not available
25-0108 16ReportReport of bid opening of Tuesday, January 28, 2025   Not available Not available
25-0088 17Agenda ItemAuthorization to allow the Director of Procurement and Materials Management to accept pricing for the procurement of Renewable Energy Credits for 2025 and 2026   Not available Not available
25-0093 18Agenda ItemAuthorization for payment to JULIE, Inc., for participation in underground project coordination, in an amount not to exceed $43,137.50, Account 101-50000-612430   Not available Not available
25-0111 19Agenda ItemAuthorization to amend Board Order of January 9, 2025, regarding Authority to award Contract 23-169-1S, McCook Reservoir Stage 1 Sediment Removal, to K.L.F. Enterprises, Inc. (K.L.F.), in an amount not to exceed $9,197,183.95, plus a five (5) percent allowance for change orders in an amount of $459,859.20, for a total amount not to exceed $9,657,043.15, Account 101-50000-612620, Requisition 1622008, Agenda Item No. 26, File No. 25-0027   Not available Not available
25-0086 110Agenda ItemAuthority to advertise Contract 25-694-11 Truck Scale Maintenance at Various Locations, estimated cost $82,000.00, Accounts 101-68000/69000-612650/612680/623270, Requisitions 1629093, 1629246, 1629465   Not available Not available
25-0095 111Agenda ItemAuthority to advertise Contract 25-647-11, Boiler Tuning and Maintenance Services at Various Locations, estimated cost $1,200,000.00, Accounts 101-67000/68000/69000-612650/623090, Requisitions 1632661, 1633436, and 1633437   Not available Not available
25-0096 112Agenda ItemAuthority to advertise Contract 25-RFP-09, Professional Auditing Services, estimated cost $1,450,000.00, Account 101-40000-612430 and P802-11000-798200, Requisition 1633430 (As Revised)   Not available Not available
25-0097 113Agenda ItemAuthority to advertise Contract 25-RFP-04 Financial Advisory Services Related to the District Financing Program, estimated cost $180,000.00, Account 101-11000-612430, Requisition 1633042 (As Revised)   Not available Not available
25-0063 114Agenda ItemIssue purchase order to 101 Erie Hotel LLC for maintenance and operation of the common areas of the 101-111 East Erie Street Building for the period of January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2025, in an amount not to exceed $71,053.50, Account 101-15000-612390, Requisition 1632621 (Deferred from the January 23, 2025 Board Meeting)   Not available Not available
25-0090 115Agenda ItemIssue purchase order to Tungsten Automation Corporation (formerly known as Kofax, Inc.) to Furnish and Deliver Software Maintenance and Support for the Kofax Network Fax Software, in an amount not to exceed $36,888.53, Account 101-27000-612840, Requisition 1632891   Not available Not available
25-0100 116Agenda ItemIssue a purchase order and enter into an agreement with Ford W Hall Co., Inc. to Perform On-Site Specialized Services to Rehabilitate the Final Clarifier Algae Removal System at the Kirie Water Reclamation Plant (KWRP), in an amount not to exceed $230,983.10, Account 201-50000-645750, Requisition 1629099   Not available Not available
25-0098 117Agenda ItemAuthority to award Contract 25-691-11, Truck Hauling of Processed Solids for LASMA and CALSMA, Groups A and B, to Gosia Cartage, LTD., in an amount not to exceed $7,141,834.63, Accounts 101-68000/69000-612520, Requisition 1621440, 1621817   Not available Not available
25-0089 118Agenda ItemAuthority to increase purchase order and amend agreement with Schneider Electric Systems USA, Inc., to Provide Preventive Maintenance, Support, and Repair Parts for the Foxboro DCS at the Calumet Water Reclamation Plant, in an amount of $15,045.07, from an amount of $4,187,667.01, to an amount not to exceed $4,202,712.08, Account 101-68000-612650, Purchase Order 3107890   Not available Not available
25-0091 119Agenda ItemAuthority to decrease Contract 17-131-4FR McCook Reservoir Rock Wall Stabilization and Geotechnical Instrumentation, SSA, Re-Bid, to IHC Construction Companies, L.L.C. in an amount of $556,347.50, from an amount of $22,418,508.43, to an amount not to exceed $21,862,160.93, Account 401-50000-645630, Purchase Order 4000086   Not available Not available
25-0092 120Agenda ItemAuthority to increase Contract 17-135-3V Roof Replacement of the Lue-Hing M&R Complex, Stickney Water Reclamation Plant, to IHC Construction Companies, L.L.C. in an amount of $121,455.92, from an amount of $11,442,773.95, to an amount not to exceed $11,564,229.87, Account 401-50000-645780, Purchase Order 4000094   Not available Not available
25-0094 121Agenda ItemAuthority to decrease purchase order and amend the agreement with invenioLSI dba Labyrinth Solutions LLC, for Contract 22-RFP-14 SAP Consulting Services, in an amount of $50,000.00, from an amount of $303,185.00, to an amount not to exceed $253,185.00, Account 101-27000-612430, Purchase Order 3123966   Not available Not available
25-0105 122Agenda ItemAuthorization to execute change orders to decrease purchase orders or carryforward FY2024 encumbrances to FY2025   Not available Not available
25-0106 123Agenda ItemAuthorization for payment to the United States Army Corps of Engineers for the non-federal sponsor’s share of costs associated with the Upper Des Plaines River and Tributaries Study, in an amount not to exceed $100,000.00, Account 501-50000-645630   Not available Not available
25-0082 124Agenda ItemAuthority to amend the Intergovernmental Agreement with the Cook County Sheriff’s Office to continue supporting its Prescription Drug Take-Back Program by extending the IGA for one year and to make payment to the CCSO in an amount not to exceed $80,000.00, Account 101-15000-612490   Not available Not available
25-0110 125Agenda ItemAuthority to settle the eminent domain lawsuit entitled The Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago v. Prime33 Development LLC, et al., Case No. 20L050009 in the Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, for final just compensation in the amount of $197,500.00, Account 501-50000-667330, Stormwater Management Fund   Not available Not available
25-0107 126ReportReport on Green Infrastructure, Detention, and Compensatory Storage Volumes Required by the Watershed Management Ordinance   Not available Not available