Mr. Brian A. Perkovich, Executive Director
Authority to increase Contract 10-047-3S North Shore 1 Rehabilitation, NSA, to Inliner Solutions, LLC, in an amount of $433,264.07, from an amount of $44,990,757.04, to an amount not to exceed $45,424,021.11, Account 401-50000-645700, Purchase Order 4000108
Dear Sir:
On January 18, 2024, the Board of Commissioners authorized the Director of Procurement and Materials Management to award Contract 10-047-3S North Shore 1 Rehabilitation, NSA, to Inliner Solutions, LLC, in an amount not to exceed $44,987,654.00, plus a five (5) percent allowance for change orders in an amount of $2,249,382.70, for a total amount not to exceed $47,237,036.70. The contract completion date is December 5, 2026.
As of December 20, 2024, the attached list of change orders has been approved.
Original Contract Amount $44,987,654.00
Date of Board Approval 01/18/2024
Cumulative Change Order (12/20/2024) $3,103.04
% Change of Original Contract Value 0.01%
Current Contract Value $44,990,757.04
Requested Increase $433,264.07
New Contract Value $45,424,021.11
% Change of Current Contract Value 0.96%
Total % Change of Original Contract Value 0.97%
The purpose of Contract 10-047-3S is to rehabilitate a 10,108 foot-long, 6' x 9’ sewer, a 4,264 foot-long, 6' x 8' sewer, a 520 foot-long, 15” sewer, and 23 manhole structures in Kenilworth, Wilmette, and Winnetka, as well as to construct three manholes on the Evanston Intercepting Sewer No. 1, and modify one TARP drop shaft (DS-M105E) in Evanston.
The original contract scope included sewer cleaning work to remove and dispose of all internal solids and debris from the sewer in a lawful manner. However, due to concerns with the sewer solids being characterized as hazardous, additional handling and waste characterization testing requirements not reasonably foreseeable prior to bid are required to ensure the lawful disposal of the debris. The revisions to the contract require the contractor to adhere to these additional handling and waste characterization testing requirements for the duration of the contract. As such, the subject change order is for handling and waste characterization testing between the North Shore 1 intercepting sewer stations 0+00 to 101+08. A subsequent change order for handling and waste characterization testing for collected waste will be necessary for the last half of the intercepting sewers from station 101+08 to 144+00, and will be presented to the Board at a later date. This work is being processed in two phases, in the interest of not delaying work under the subject contract. It is also anticipated that additional change orders will be necessary for the handling and disposal of hazardous waste, if discovered in the waste characterization of the debris. The contractor submitted a cost proposal (CO-04) for this work as an extra in the amount of $433,264.07 and a credit in the amount of $0.00, for a net extra in the amount of $433,264.07. The Engineer reviewed the proposal, found it to be reasonable, and stated via correspondence CO04, that the Engineering Department will recommend its approval to the Board of Commissioners.
This change order is in compliance with the Illinois Criminal Code since the change is due to circumstances not reasonably foreseeable at the time the contract was signed and is in the best interest of the District.
It is hereby recommended that the Board of Commissioners authorize the Director of Procurement and Materials Management to execute a change order to increase Contract 10-047-3S, in an amount of $433,264.07 (0.96% of the current contract value), from an amount of $44,990,757.04, to an amount not to exceed $45,424,021.11.
Funds are available in Account 401-50000-645700.
Requested, Catherine A. O’Connor, Director of Engineering, KMF:LS
Recommended, Darlene A. LoCascio, Director of Procurement and Materials Management
Respectfully Submitted, Marcelino Garcia, Chairman Committee on Procurement
Disposition of this agenda item will be documented in the official Regular Board Meeting Minutes of the Board of Commissioners for January 9, 2025